If you have a business, whether online or not, it is very likely that you have profiles on social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

It’s normal to want to have a significant following on these platforms. After all, the more people that are in contact with your brand, the more recognition, reach and, consequently, the more sales you get.

It is for this purpose that you can find several offers that promise thousands of followers for your social media accounts, guaranteeing a rapid growth of the public.

The problem is that buying followers is not as lucrative a business as it seems.

For this reason, we created this article to show you the advantages and disadvantages of buying followers.

Creative Agency, Luanda, Lisboa, Desenvolvemos Websites, E-commerce, Social Media and Brand Strategy, visual identity

Reasons not to buy Instagram followers

1-Ghost Interaction

At first glance, it may seem advantageous to pay and see your profile “grow”. But the truth is that, in the long run, this practice can generate greater damage to your brand and your business.

2- Fraudulent thoughts

When analyzing your profile, whether customers or even new followers, they may find that your account has fake profiles and this results in distrust as to whether the brand is serious or not. As a result, you will lose the possibility of getting true followers who may become customers.

3- Possibility of being banned from Instagram

In the case of Instagram, for example, in the terms of use it is well established that the platform does not allow any spam practice. Besides, Mark Zuckerberg’s network goes to great lengths to identify and eliminate every fake profile on Instagram.

The other side of the coin

The other side of the coin is that it can help buy followers. Why? Because buying Instagram followers can be important to attract new followers. This is related to the fact that a large number of followers stimulates the imagination and thus attracts more new followers. By purchasing followers, you will be able to create a kind of snowball effect. More and more people will follow you until, one day, you get a huge following. And the more followers your account has, the greater reach it will have, because it appears as a suggestion for your followers’ friends.

It is now about seeing what will be best for your brand, however our advice is always to obtain organic followers, which are all those who, when seeing your publications, show interest in what is published and of their own free will click on follow. Which results in the probability of having a new customer.

If you still have doubts about which is better, talk to one of our creatives by clicking here to present you with a social media strategy to get more organic followers.