Building a Strong Brand Identity: Tips for Entrepreneurs
Building a Strong Brand Identity: Tips for Entrepreneurs

In one of our latest articles, we delve deeper into the concept of Strategic Branding and its fundamental role in defining a company’s identity, establishing emotional connections with the public, and standing out in the market. Now, let’s take it a step further and examine how entrepreneurs can build a robust brand identity for their businesses by leveraging practical tips and strategies to stand out in a competitive business environment.

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Naming, Creative agency
The Importance of Naming in Building Brands

Creating a brand is a multifaceted endeavor that involves various elements, from defining your brand’s mission and values to designing logos and crafting compelling narratives. However, one of the most fundamental aspects of brand creation is often overlooked—the name. A brand’s name is more than just a label; it’s a powerful tool that can significantly impact success. In this article, we will explore the crucial role naming plays in building impactful brands and why choosing the right name is paramount.

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Blog Article Folder - Sensory Marketing: Connecting with the audience - Creative Agency
Sensory Marketing: Connecting with the audience

Sensory marketing is a relatively new concept, but it is quickly gaining traction in the marketing world. It is a concept that uses sensory stimuli to engage customers with a brand, product, or service. In this blog post, we will explore the power of sensory marketing and how it can be used to effectively connect with an audience.

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Creative Agency, Luanda, Lisboa, Desenvolvemos Websites, E-commerce, Social Media and Brand Strategy, visual identity
Fenty Beauty: How to Take Advantage of a Market Failure to Your Brand’s Advantage

In the rapidly evolving beauty industry, few brands have achieved as significant and revolutionary an impact as Fenty Beauty. Founded by Rihanna in 2017, the brand has not only launched an impressive line of makeup products, but also sparked a revolution in the concept of inclusion and diversity in the beauty market. This article will explore Fenty Beauty’s journey and how the brand was able to turn a market failure into a strength, becoming an industry icon.

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